Monday, January 19, 2009

1.04 and 1.05 Resources

How to make a great score on your MVPS assignments:
  1. Scan this BLOG BEFORE you complete the lesson to see the help available.
  2. Then read your lesson on MVPS and follow all the links in your lesson.
  3. Read your dropbox assignment in your MVPS lesson.
  4. Come back to the BLOG and check out the extra help on your assignment!
  5. Create your MS Word document, key in the required information, save it as directed, and upload it to your dropbox.
  6. Check back after I grade the dropbox assignment and read my comments!
Why are you giving me extra help on the MVPS assignments?

You may wonder why I am giving you this "extra help". Well, I just want you to know that you can find resources all over the web if you know how to search. We will learn better searching techniques (besides just and later during the class.

You may even want to write an article for
wikipedia. Wikis are just another form of "Communications in Business" which we will discuss in our class. (We will learn more about email, resumes, social networking such as facebook and myspace, BLOGS, and jing.) And if you do write and publish your own wiki, let me know and you can earn bonus points on your grade

Here is a video tutorial on how to make a wiki, just in case you want to try it!
Wikis in Plain English

Dropbox 1.04

Dropbox 1.05
  • You are asked to research and write about your "dream" computer.
  • In addition to the links in Lesson 1.05, Check out the ads on, Best Buy, and also computer company sites such as Dell, Gateway, Apple, and Hewlitt Packard. (There are many other companies who sell computers but are not listed here; find your favorite!)
  • Did you know most computer companies offer a discount for students on computers, printers, and software? These discounts can save you some serious money so always ask before you buy!
Don't miss any of our class BLOGS. Use your gmail address and sign up as a public follower (It's free and it's delivered anytime there is an update). And if you don't have a gmail address, sign up for one by going to and signing up. It's FREE!

And finally, make comments using your gmail account on our class BLOG. You always get bonus points for these!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the video on wiki's was really neat ha he must be good with editing things